Union approves mining ordinances and elects two Select Board members


Union has elected Steven Migliorini and Martha Johnston-Nash to the Select Board, and approved new mining regulations, a canine ordinance, and a municipal budget.


At the polls, voters considered three candidates running for one open two-year seat on the Select Board. The candidates were:

Gregory Grotton, 197 votes

Ben Ledger, 214 votes

Steven Migliorini, 278 votes


They also chose between two candidates running for one three-year seat on the Select Board. They were:

Martha Johnston-Nash, 404 votes

Yvonne Pitzi, 270 votes


Voters chose between two candidates for one seat on the RSU 40 board, electing Rachel Wilcox with  367 votes.

Opponent Timothy Wood received 358 votes.


Voters elected Irene Hawes to be a trustee on the William L. Pullen Fund, as well as Erik Amundsen, Michael Beardsley and John Shepard to the Budget Committee.


The municipal ballot included the town warrant with 34 additional articles. That warrant proposed $4.5 million in municipal expenditures.


Warrant articles included:


Yes  515

No   192

Yes  474

No   203

Yes  491

No   185

Yes  484

No   217


Yes  419

No  296


State primaries


Republican ballot


U.S. Senate nomination

Demi Kouzounas, Saco, 264 votes


Representative to Congress, District 1

Andrew Plantidosi, Cape Elizabeth .127 votes

Ronald Russell, Kennebunkport, 170 votes


State Senator District 12

William Scott Rocknack, Camden, 300 votes


Legislative representative, District 44

Ray Thombs, Jr., 308 votes



Democrat ballot


David Allen Costello, Brunswick, for U.S. Senator, 192 votes


Representative to Congress, District 1

Chellie Pingree, North Haven,  273 votes


State Senator, District 12

Anne Beebe Center, Rockland, 255 votes


Legislative representative, District 44




This article was originally published by a www.penbaypilot.com

Read it HERE


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