NJ looks to humorous signs to promote driving safely

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Drivers in the Garden State are getting some not-so-subtle safety reminders this summer.

The New Jersey Department of Transportation is displaying several different messages on electronic highway signs, urging drivers to not to speed, take drugs or be rude to other drivers.

Sal Cowan, the DOT’s senior director of transportation mobility, said the messages are short, but to the point.

“We want to reinforce good behaviors and remind people that when you drive, you need to slow down, you need to drive safely, you need to pay attention,” he said.

Almost two dozen different reminders are being displayed on a rotating basis, on more than 200 electronic message signs all over the state. One says “let the waves do the crashing, stay alert.” Another one tells drivers “there’s no debate, don’t tailgate,” a different sign reads “get your head out of the sand, don’t drink and drive,” and motorists are also reminded that “there’s no summer vacation in jail, don’t drive high.”

“We want to make sure that any time anyone sees one of these messages, that they remember it has a safety message behind it, even if it does have a little bit of humor attached,” said Cowan.

This article was originally published by a whyy.org

Read it HERE


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