Mining skills competition showcases elite rescue teams

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Dozens of teams and hundreds of rescuers gathered at Prairieland Park for the mining skills competition, an event that brings together some of the best-trained rescuers who specialize in mine rescues.

This annual competition offers a safe environment for these teams to hone their skills and put them to the test against other organizations across Saskatchewan.

Kevin Kingdon, the event organizer, explained the significance of the competition.

“Our event basically brings those teams together, and it’s a way for the mining companies to demonstrate the training and skill that goes into their emergency response teams. It’s an opportunity for the miners to demonstrate those skills, bring them all together, and take away a lot of learning from the event that we set up for them,” said Kingdon.

The event was divided into above-ground and below-ground teams. One of Mosaic’s underground teams focused on techniques for putting out fires.

Justine Fuchs from K3 Mosaic Underground described their challenge.

“We did an underground problem, which is basically a mine mock situation where we go down and clear the mine, and other trapped workers down there, and we complete what we can in a 70-minute problem,” said Fuchs.

In such complex situations, teamwork is essential.

“The number one priority of a team is the safety of the team. We have one captain that we delegate and a vice-captain, and we all work together to achieve the common task of safety,” said Fuchs.

While mining disasters are uncommon, competitions like this are crucial for keeping skills sharp.

“Our mining communities rely on our emergency response teams to keep them safe and to keep our communities safe. The skills and the training throughout the year prepare them for any situation at the site,” said Kingdon.

The mining skills competition has been running for fifty-four years. After a successful and safe event this year, organizers and participants are already looking forward to next year’s competition.

This article was originally published by a

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