(LETTERS) Location is everything for mine operations

letter to the editor

Oil City News publishes letters, cartoons and opinions as a public service. The content does not necessarily reflect the opinions of Oil City News or its employees. Letters to the editor can be submitted by following the link at our opinion section.

Dear Casper,

Our community needs your help. As you may have heard, Prism Logistics has proposed a gravel mining operation at the base of Casper Mountain. Concerns about the operation include the health and safety of all Casper residents with regard to air and water quality.

Many families are living in fear of losing their water to their homes.

The increase in truck traffic as we’re witnessing currently on Wyoming Boulevard is an excellent example of another concern for safety. The trucks entering Wyoming Boulevard impede traffic, something you or I would certainly be ticketed for.

Please help the Casper Mountain Preservation Alliance in our fight to save all Casper residents from this proposed destruction. Join the Facebook group or write our county commissioners and the State Lands Investments Board and tell them Casper doesn’t want this mine.

Location is everything!

Kelly Clamp


This article was originally published by a oilcity.news

Read it HERE


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