HLFM Wednesday markets to kick off June 5

The HLFM Wednesday Market at Crooked Hammock will open for the season from 8 to 11:30 a.m., Wednesday, June 5, at 36707 Crooked Hammock Way, Lewes.
The 11 participating farmers/producers will bring snap peas, strawberries, spinach, arugula, fresh-cut asparagus, lettuces, kale, turnips, radishes, honey, mushrooms, beef, chicken, freshly laid eggs, herb, veggie and flower plants, fresh-baked breads, pastries made with fruit from market vendors, cut-flower bouquets and more
The Historic Lewes Farmers Market is producer-only, so customers are able to buy directly from the farmers who grew the produce.
New vendors include Dream Catcher Homestead from Laurel, featuring grass-fed beef, pasture-raised chicken, farm-fresh eggs and beef jerky; and Mayhems Confections from Dagsboro with cinnamon rolls, scones, coffee cake, babka, sweet breads and large stuffed cookies. Old World Breads and The Point Coffee House and Bake Shoppe will now be at the Wednesday market as well, joining the returning Bennett Orchards, Cosmic Dog Farm, Davidson’s Exotic Mushrooms, Dittmar Family Farms, Kalmar Farm, Lucky Penny Flower Farm and Stag Run Farm.
Patrons should note that dogs and other pets (except for service animals) are no longer permitted inside the market area, in order to ensure the safety of customers, vendors and volunteers.
For a list of all vendors, their contact information and whether they take preorders, go to historiclewesfarmersmarket.org. Customers will pick up preorders at the vendor tent in the market.
The market processes payments from Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program, and Women, Infants and Children Program benefits, and continues to match SNAP up to $20 per market, per customer. Customers may go to the SNAP tent to process SNAP/EBT.
Go to historiclewesfarmersmarket.org to see parking and vendor information with maps. The market’s weekly newsletter lists demos and more; email info@historiclewesfarmersmarket.org or call 302-644-1436 to be added to the list.
The market thanks Crooked Hammock Brewery for sponsoring the Wednesday market, and all other sponsors for their continued support.
This article was originally published by a www.capegazette.com
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