China emerges as leading source of imports for Ghana, with an import value of

China leads import with over GH¢33.9 billion
China has sustained its status as Ghana’s preeminent import source in 2023, with imports amassing a total of GH¢33.9 billion — an ascent from GH¢26.4 billion in 2022. This information is derived from the Ghana 2023 Trade Report, issued by the Ghana Statistical Service.
The Trade Report reveals that China accounted for a 22.5% share of Ghana’s imports last year, marking a marginal decrease from 23.2% in 2022.
The Russian Federation has emerged as a notable contributor, supplanting the United Kingdom among the top five, with imports predominantly composed of mineral fuels and oils.
The Netherlands persisted as a significant player, with Ghana’s imports of mineral fuels and oils reaching GH¢17.3 billion. India and the United States altered their standings, with India ascending to the fourth-largest import source at GH¢11.7 billion, while the USA attained the fifth position with imports valued at GH¢10.9 billion.
A compilation of ten products constituted over a third of all imports. Diesel-automotive gas oil recorded the highest import value at GH¢27.1 billion, succeeded by light oils, motor spirit, and super at GH¢22.3 billion.
In terms of the mode of transport for imports in the previous year, sea transport encompassed 89.1 percent of the total import value, road transport contributed 6.1 percent, and air transport held the smallest fraction at 4.7 percent.
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