Cape Coral city leaders approve school zone speed detectors

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Cape Coral city leaders approved school zone speed detection systems after discussions on Wednesday.According to a recent study, thousands of drivers are speeding through school zones in Cape Coral — especially through Patriot Elementary.With the new detection systems, if you get caught going over 10 miles per hour past the posted speed limit in Cape Coral school zones, you will be fined $100.Speed detection systems will be installed in 17 school zones in Cape Coral after a study revealed over 100 drivers speeding throughout the marked school zones.


Cape Coral city leaders approved school zone speed detection systems after discussions on Wednesday.

According to a recent study, thousands of drivers are speeding through school zones in Cape Coral — especially through Patriot Elementary.

With the new detection systems, if you get caught going over 10 miles per hour past the posted speed limit in Cape Coral school zones, you will be fined $100.

Speed detection systems will be installed in 17 school zones in Cape Coral after a study revealed over 100 drivers speeding throughout the marked school zones.

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