FijiFirst expected to be deregistered next week


The Registrar of Political Parties is yet to make a statement on the FijiFirst Party after their 4pm deadline passed today to rectify their constitution as certain clauses breach the electoral laws of Fiji.

The party is expected to be deregistered next week as the 26 party MPs have not made any attempts to keep the party alive that won the 2014 and 2018 general elections.

As earlier highlighted by fijivillage News, it was already clear that after all the office bearers including Voreqe Bainimarama and Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum resigned from the party, anyone who even tried to keep the party going will inherit a significant amount of unpaid debts.

According to the party’s audited financial accounts as at 31st December 2023 assessed by fijivillage News, the FijiFirst had a net liability position of $701,180 and a working capital deficiency of $855,938.

Anyone owed money by the FijiFirst Party will lose out after the deregistration as individuals are not liable to pay off the huge debt of the party.

The financial report stated the party was also negotiating with certain suppliers for further time for settlement of overdue balances, and the party was confident that extended time at normal commercial terms will be allowed by the suppliers.

According to the financial position of the FijiFirst, the current liabilities listed as Trade and Other Payables stand at $907,664 at the end of last year and the total liabilities is $910,422. The total party funds deficit is $701,680 as at the end of 2023.

Mataiciwa has confirmed to fijivillage News that if a party is deregistered, the MPs remain in parliament as independents and do not lose their seats.

Speaker of Parliament, Ratu Naiqama Lalabalavu has already made it clear that should the FijiFirst Party not rectify the breaches with the result that the party is deregistered, he has asked that the FijiFirst MPs notify him promptly as to whether they will become an independent Member or whether they will join an existing party.

FijiFirst MP, Jone Usamate has said that he will continue to perform his role as a Parliamentarian, to the best of his abilities, and in keeping with FijiFirst values of integrity, meritocracy, diversity and self reliance as a nation.

They are expected to make further comments next week.

This article was originally published by a

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