How Much Does it Really Cost to Buy a Property in France?

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For those of you looking at purchasing in France or even just pondering on the idea, we will be talking through everything you need to know about the foreign exchange element at the French Entrée webinar on Thursday 27th June.

The webinar hosts a panel of experts, along with Moneycorp as the organisers preferred currency partner, intended to cover all the aspects of the process, including the best way to manage the foreign exchange element.

We will be talking about the importance of factoring the exchange rate into the property price, the tools we offer to protect your budget and the additional payments you will need to bear in mind during the process. We want to help you understand the impact foreign exchange can have on these big purchases and how to manage the risk.

Foreign exchange can effect your purchase price?

Exchange rates are constantly fluctuating. This means that when you decide to buy a property abroad, the cost of your purchase can change with the rates. Imagine getting to the point of buying your dream property, and the price is different from when you made the offer. That’s the reality of the foreign exchange market – small changes make BIG differences when you exchange a large amount of money.

That’s why it’s essential to plan ahead and secure a reliable, experienced company to exchange your money at the beginning of the process – so you don’t get any nasty surprises.

Don’t miss out!

You can sign up to the join the webinar and show using following link… REGISTER NOW FOR FREE


This article was originally published by a

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