Global AI market size 2030

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The market for artificial intelligence grew beyond 184 billion U.S. dollars in 2024, a considerable jump of nearly 50 billion compared to 2023. This staggering growth is expected to continue with the market racing past 826 billion U.S. dollars in 2030.

AI demands data

Data management remains the most difficult task of AI-related infrastructure. This challenge takes many forms for AI companies. Some require more specific data, while others have difficulty maintaining and organizing the data their enterprise already possesses. Large international bodies like the EU, the US, and China all have limitations on how much data can be stored outside their borders. Together these bodies pose significant challenges to data-hungry AI companies.

AI could boost productivity growth

Both in productivity and labor changes, the U.S. is likely to be heavily impacted by the adoption of AI. This impact need not be purely negative. Labor rotation, if handled correctly, can swiftly move workers to more productive and value-added industries rather than simple manual labor ones. In turn, these industry shifts will lead to a more productive economy. Indeed, AI could boost U.S. labor productivity growth over a 10-year period. This, of course, depends on a variety of factors, such as how powerful the next generation of AI is, the difficulty of tasks it will be able to perform, and the number of workers displaced.

This article was originally published by a

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